
Elijah schools me on cows

Dinner table tonight:

Elijah: "Where does Pizza come from? Oh! No! I know where it comes from."
Me: "Where?"
E: "At the farm, it comes from the pizza cow."
M: "Oh, really?"
E: "Yeah. They squeeze those things on their tummies and pizza comes out."
M: "Interesting."
E: "Yeah. And I know where yogurt comes from."
M: "You do?"

E: "Yeah. It comes from yogurt cows. The farmers squeeze their plumps and yogurt comes out. You have to eat the yogurt out of their plumps."
M: "Where did you learn all about these pizza and yogurt cows?
E: "God teld me it."


Elijahism: A science lesson

Elijah: "Why can't we see air?"
Me: "Um. Because it's air. And it's invisible."
Elijah: "It's because it's too blonde?"
Me: "No, that's just why you can't see your eyebrows."


March 10: A happy blur...

Here's a brief synopsis of the day: car packed, everyone up, dressed, fed and out the door by 8:15. Drive 40 minutes to soccer practice, it is of course the first time in weeks that the practice actually lasts the entire hour. Load everyone into the car and drive for 2+ hours; Reese slept most of the time and Elijah watched movies. Stop for lunch at Steak and Shake, get a waitress who was so completely out of it, takes an hour for lunch. Load everyone back up again and drive another 2 hours. Get to the wedding venue and get everyone changed. In the car. Good times (i'm fairly certain that I gave a gentleman cooking food for the reception in the parking lot QUITE a show... what can you do?). Celebrated the wedding, stayed for some of the reception and packed everyone back up in the car. Thankfully we made it home without stopping (4 hours) and the kids fell asleep pretty soon into the trip; but after 2 hours, both kids took turns waking up so it made the last two hours a bit rough.

But onto the fun stuff...

Soccer practice was adorable with Aiden completely absorbed with Reese, constaintly coming over to give her hugs and kisses and I got a little bit of a punch in the gut realizing what's coming ahead being a mother of a daughter. The boys got their soccer shirts and oh my, how cute are they??

The wedding was beautiful, held outside at a garden center and the weather was perfect. March in Florida and you're totally risking the weather being either insanely hot or rainy, but it was neither. The bride and groom looked so happy and inlove and it was really nice to see old friends and catch up. And come on... looks at these cuties :)

March 11: Spring foward!

Today was nice, even if we were all completely out of whack time wise. Since we didn't get home until 10:30 last night, both kids were awake, we got them into bed got us showered and into bed and then instantly lost an hour, we were not buzzing bees first thing in the morning. With the time change, we weren't all even awake until after 9:30. Ah, glorious when the children sleep! We had to run some errands but after that I took full advantage of Adam being home to get some stuff done for Reese's birthday. I made her little birthday shirt and it is so stinkin' cute. Love it. I've done plenty of applique shirts before, but I'm too scared of my sewing machine to sew them on so after a few washes they start falling apart. Well, I actually sewed Reese's birthday party shirt and although it looks a bit wonky, I'm proud of myself.

March 12: Eh...

Today was start the wash day, clean the house day and really just finish recovering from the weekend day. Nothing super exciting happened. Some crafts, some cartoons and just some good time with the littles. It was a bit of a bummer because my partner in mommyhood crime went back to work and I missed the crap out of her. I had gotten way too used to texting and talking to her pretty much all day every day.